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Argand Plane and Polar Form

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Complex Plane

 »  Real line extended to complex plane
    →  Argand Plane  »  Complex plane for a+ib

    →  real part a on real-axis or real-line

    →  imaginary part b on imaginary-axis

    →  coordinate equivalent (a,b)


 »  distance from origin (0,0) is modulus r  »  |a+ib| =r=a2+b2
by Pythagorean Theorem


 »  Angle with positive real-axis  »  θ=tan-1(ba)

 »  Arguments =2nπ+θ where n=0,1,2,...

 »  Principal argument =θ where 0θ<2π

Polar form


2 dimensional plane

Consider the plane with x-axis and y-axis, where a ordered pair of (a,b) is represented with a point on the plane. This plane called '2D Cartesian Plane'.

The complex number representation is simplified to the form a+ib. This can also be considered as a ordered pair with the numbers a,b being real numbers.

complex argand plane illustration

Similarity between points in 2D Cartesian plane and the complex numbers leads to definition of Complex plane. The complex plane is also called Argand plane named after the French Mathematician J R Argand.

Complex Plane or Argand Plane: A 2D plane in which a complex number a+ib is assigned to a point (a,b) as displacements along two axes of the plane.

A Complex number a+ib is represented on complex plane as shown in the figure. The axis on which real part a is shown as displacement on that axis is called the real axis.

The axis on which imaginary part b is shown as displacement on that axis is called the imaginary axis.

What is the point corresponding to the complex number -2+i6 on the Argand plane?
The answer is '(-2,6)'


Real and Imaginary Axes: In the complex plane, the axis on which real part of complex numbers are mapped is called the real axis and the other axis on which the imaginary part of complex numbers are mapped is called the imaginary axis.

modulus of a complex number

modulus of complex number

A Complex number a+ib is represented on complex plane as shown in the figure. the length of the line segment between origin and the point represented by the complex number is 'a2+b2'

The length of the line segment OP is called modulus of the complex number. It is represented as |z|

|z| is called modulus of z or mod z.

The word "modulus" means 'absolute measure without any additional information'.

In complex number, the absolute measure of the number without splitting into the real or imaginary parts is modulus.

Find the modulus of 1.1-i

The answer is '2.21'


Modulus: For a complex number z=a+ib, the modulus of z is given as |z|=a2+b2

The length of line segment from origin to the point represented by complex number is the modulus of the complex number.

argument of a complex number

modulus of complex number

A Complex number a+ib is represented on complex plane as shown in the figure. The angle the line segment OP makes with the real axis is 'tan-1(ba)'

The angle between the real axis in positive direction and the line segment OP is called the argument of the complex number.

In this case, the word "argument" means 'an independent element that plays a role in determining the value of something'.
For example the arguments of a function f()=2xy+3 are the variables x and y. In this case, the arguments define the value of the function.

In complex numbers, the modulus provides the absolute value. In addition to the modulus, to completely specify the complex number, the additional independent element required is the "argument".

For z=a+ib, argument is given by argz=tan-1(ba)

Find the argument of 1+i
The answer is 'tan-11'

Argument: For a complex number z=a+ib, the argument of z is given as argz=tan-1(ba)

The angle made by the line segment with the real axis is the argument of the complex number.

The possible values of tan-11 are 'nπ4 where n=1,3,5,'.

The possible values of tan-11, if the opposite side and adjacent sides are given as 1 is different : nπ4 where n=1,5,9,

Note that: tan-11=nπ4 where n=1,3,5, but

tan-1 opposite-side=1adjacent-side=1=nπ4 where n=1,5,9, and

tan-1 opposite-side=-1adjacent-side=-1=nπ4 where n=3,7,11,

principal argument of complex numbers

The argument of a complex number can be given in the form 2nπ+θ where n=0,1,2....

The argument corresponding to n=0 is called the principal argument. The range of principal argument is -πθπ.

range of argument

range of argument of complex numbers

Given the complex numbers z1,z2,z3,z4 as shown in figure. The value of argument of complex numbers are
 •  0<argz1<π2
 •  π2<argz2<π
 •  0<argz3<-π2
 •  -π2<argz4<-π

Find the principal argument of 1-i

The answer is '-π4'


Principal Argument: For a complex number z=a+ib, the principal argument of z is given as argz=tan-1(ba), where -πargzπ

Principal argument of a complex number is in the range -π to π.

polar form

While introducing the generic form of complex numbers a+ib, it was discussed an equivalent form r(cosθ+isinθ). A quick revision of the same with complex plane is given here.

polar form of complex number

A number a+bi is equivalently given as r(cosθ+isinθ) where r=a2+b2 and θ=tan-1(ba).

r(cosθ+isinθ) is called the polar form or polar representation of the complex number.

Convert 1+i into polar form.

The answer is '2(cos(π4)+isin(π4))'


Polar Form: A number in the form a+bi is equivalently given as
where r=a2+b2,

Polar form of a complex number is r(cosθ+isinθ)


The outline of material to learn "complex numbers" is as follows.

Note : Click here for detailed overview of Complex-Numbers

  →   Complex Numbers in Number System

  →   Representation of Complex Number (incomplete)

  →   Euler's Formula

  →   Generic Form of Complex Numbers

  →   Argand Plane & Polar form

  →   Complex Number Arithmetic Applications

  →   Understanding Complex Artithmetics

  →   Addition & Subtraction

  →   Multiplication, Conjugate, & Division

  →   Exponents & Roots

  →   Properties of Addition

  →   Properties of Multiplication

  →   Properties of Conjugate

  →   Algebraic Identities