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Construction of Tangents and Chord for a Circle

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In this page, a short overview of the following are provided.

 •  Construction of a Tangent on a Point on a Circle Tangent on a point on circle
 •  Construction of Tangents from a Point outside a Circle Tangent on a point outside circle
 •  Construction of chords of given length on a Circle constructing a chord of a circle
 •  Construction of chords at a given distance from center of a Circle constructing a chord of a circle

tangent to a circle

Tangent on a point on circle

Consider the circle centered at O. The objective is to construct a tangent on the given point P on the circle.

To achieve that, we use the known property "tangent is at right angle 90 to the radius at the point".

Tangent on a point on circle

Considering the construction of tangent on the given point P on a circle.

It is noted that the tangent is at right angle to the radius at the point. The ray OP is constructed. Construct a perpendicular on point P on the ray OP. This construction problem is modified to the known problem : construction of a perpendicular on a point in a line.

The following steps detail construction of tangent on point P on a circle:

 •  The ray OP is constructed

 •  On the point P, the perpendicular to OP is constructed.
(Construction of a perpendicular on a point is explained in the earlier lessons)

The tangent is constructed.


Tangent on a point on circle

Construction of Tangent on a point on circle: Using the property that the radius and tangent on a point are at right angle, the construction is modified to construction of perpendicular to a line on a point.

tangent from outside

Tangent on a point outside circle

Consider the circle centered at O. The objective is to construct a tangent from the given point P outside the circle. To achieve that we use the property, tangent is at right angle 90 to the radius at the point of tangent.

Tangent on a point outside circle

Considering the construction of tangent from the given point P outside the circle.

The point of tangent on the circle is visualized as point A. It is shown in the figure to illustrate. The point A is not yet marked. It is noted that OAP is a right angled triangle with OP¯ as the hypotenuse.

To mark the point A, "constructing a circle with hypotenuse as diameter".

Tangent on a point outside circle

The point A is not yet marked. It is noted that OAP is a right angled triangle with OP¯ as the hypotenuse.

The angle subtended by a diameter on the circle is right-angled.

Using this knowledge, It is visualized that a circle with diameter OP¯ intersects the given circle at point A, where angle OAP is 90 and so, PA is the tangent at point A.

The following steps detail construction of tangent from point P outside a circle:

 •  The ray OP is constructed

 •  A circle is constructed with OP¯ as the diameter.
(Construction of a circle with a given line segment as diameter is explained in the earlier lessons)

 •  The points of intersection of the given circle to the constructed circle are connected to P as the tangents of the given circle.

The tangents are constructed.


Tangent on a point outside circle

Construction of Tangents from a point outside a Circle : Note the following properties

 •  the radius and tangent are perpendicular,

 •  the angle subtended by diameter on a circle is right-angle

the line segment between the center of the circle and the given point is considered as diameter.

The construction is modified to construction of a circle on a given line segment as diameter.

chord of length

constructing a chord of a circle

Consider the circle centered at O. The objective is to construct a chord of length PQ¯=4cm on the given point P on the circle.

To achieve that a compass is enough. A compass constructs equidistant points.

constructing a chord of a circle

The following steps detail construction of chord at point P on a circle:

 •  Use a compass to construct an arc of length 4 cm.

 •  The point of intersection of the arc on the circle is marked Q.

 •  Connect the points P and Q

The chord PQ¯ is constructed.

Note: There are two chords possible from the given point P of the given length.


constructing a chord of a circle

Construction of Chords of given length : An arc of the given length is used to locate the points on circle and the chord is constructed.

chord at distance

constructing a chord of a circle

Consider the circle centered at O. The objective is to construct a chord at 2cm distance from the center. To achieve that we use the definition : the distance of chord from the center is length of the perpendicular line from the center.

constructing a chord of a circle

The following steps detail construction of chord at a distance:

 •  Construct a ray OR.

 •  Using a compass, measure the given 2cm distance and mark on the ray OR.

 •  At the point of intersection, construct a perpendicular PQ

 •  The ray intersects at points P and Q

The chord PQ¯ is constructed.


constructing a chord of a circle

Construction of Chord at a distance from Center of the circle : Using the property that the distance of a chord from the center is measured as the perpendicular distance, a perpendicular is constructed on a radius at the given distance.


The outline of material to learn "Consrtruction (High school)" is as follows.

Note: Click here for detailed overview of "Consrtruction (High school)"

Note 2: click here for basics of construction, which is essential to understand this.

    →   Construction of Triangles With Secondary Information

    →   Construction: Scaling a line, triangle, polygon, circle

    →   Construction of Tangents and Chord for a circle