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Exponents: Simplification of Expressions

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In this page, handling of exponents, roots, and logarithms in numerical expressions is explained.

The precedence order PEMDAS / BODMAS is explained.

For operations of same precedence order, the sequence of operation "simplification from left to right" is explained.

"express" means "say"

Let us quickly revise what is numerical expression, and precedence order, sequence in simplifying the numerical expressions. This was introduced in whole numbers, reviewed in integers, reviewed again in fractions, reviewed again in decimals.

The precedence order was given as BODMAS or PEMDAS. The "O" in BODMAS or "E" in PEMDAS were not explained.

Let us quickly revise the fundamentals required, and get to the explanation of "O" in BODMAS or "E" in PEMDAS.

O stands for order, representing exponents, root, and logarithm.
E stands for exponents, representing all of exponents, root, and logarithm.

Consider 2+4+3. This can be evaluated to 9. This is an example of a numerical expression.

The word "expression" means: collection of numbers and arithmetic operations between them, which together represent a quantity.

2×4×3 is an example of a numerical expression. It is evaluated to 24.

a+3x is not a numerical expression. It is not entirely numbers and arithmetic operations. It has letters a and x.

Is 3+4×2-6÷3 a numerical expression?
"Yes, all arithmetic operations can be part of a numerical expression"

what order

Consider 1+2 and 3×1. Note that when evaluated, both result in identical numerical value 1+2=3 and 3×1=3.

They are two different expressions, evaluating to equal values.

Consider 9-6÷3.

To simplify the expression, the division is performed first. It is




Division has higher precedence over subtraction.

In a numerical expression the precedence order is given as :

 •  Brackets / Parentheses

 •  Order / Exponent

 •  Division and Multiplication

 •  Addition and Subtraction

This is abbreviated as BODMAS or PEMDAS.

what sequence?

Consider 20-4-3.

It is wrong to do 20-4-3 20-1 =19.

The correct order of simplification is 20-4-3 =16-3 =13

The two subtractions are in the same precedence level. This is to be handled from left to right sequence.

Consider 36÷6÷3

It is wrong to simplify as 36÷6÷3 36÷2 =18

The correct order of simplification is 36÷6÷3 =6÷3 =2.

The two divisions are in same precedence level. This is to be handled from left to right sequence. .

Rule of sequence is, when multiple operation of same precedence is to be simplified, the operations are performed from left to right sequence.

out of order / sequence

Consider 6÷3×2.

The division and multiplication are of same precedence, so it is simplified from left to right.




Consider 6÷(3×2)

The bracket has higher precedence, and so the expression inside bracket is simplified first.




The rule of brackets or parentheses in numerical expression is, the subexpression within a bracket or parentheses has the highest precedence

everything needed

In a numerical expression, the precedence order is:
 •  Parentheses or Brackets are at the highest precedence order

 •  division and multiplication in same level same level of precedence
 •  addition and subtraction in same level of precedence.

This is abbreviated as BODMAS (Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction) or PEMDAS (Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction).

When multiple operation of same precedence is to be simplified, the operations are performed from left to right sequence.

All these were studied as part of whole numbers and integers. The same applies for fractions.

 •  Precedence order BODMAS / PEMDAS

 •  Left to Right sequence for same precedence

Let us modify this to include exponents.

In a numerical expression, the precedence order is:

 •  Parentheses or Brackets are at the highest precedence order

 •  Exponents, roots, logarithms are of next highest precedence order. These three are in the same level of precedence.

 •  Division and multiplication are the next, and these two are of same level of precedence.

 •  Addition and subtraction are the last, and these two are of same level of precedence.

This is abbreviated as BODMAS (Brackets, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction) or PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction).

When multiple operation of same precedence is to be simplified, the operations are performed from left to right sequence.


Simplify 11-32
The answer is "2".

The exponent is of higher precedence than subtraction.




Simplify log39+18
The answer is "20".

The logarithm is of higher precedence than addition.




Simplify 4×412
The answer is "8".

The square root is of higher precedence than subtraction.




Simplify log243

Which one of the following is correct?



The answer is "6".

The notation of cube of log is log234. The notation for log of a cube is log243.

logarithm is applied first

exponent is applied first

Simplify 4-6÷3-2
The answer is "-50".


exponent is of higher precedence

division is of higher precedence


Simplify log10100+9900.
The answer is "9902".


The logarithm is of higher precedence over addition


Simplify (-1+3-1)3+(-2)-1
The answer is "-2"


Bracket is of the highest precedence

exponent or root is higher in precedence

left to right sequence for operations of same precedence



Simplification of Expressions : BODMAS

 •  B - Brackets

 •  O - Order (exponents, roots, logarithm)

 •  D - Division

 •  M - Multiplication

 •  A - Addition

 •  S - Subtraction

 •  And Left to Right sequence for multiple operations of same precedence.


 •  P - Parentheses

 •  E - Exponents (roots and logarithm)

 •  M - Multiplication

 •  D - Division

 •  A - Addition

 •  S - Subtraction

 •  And Left to Right sequence for multiple operations of same precedence.


The outline of material to learn "Exponents" is as follows. Note: click here for detailed outline of Exponents s

    →   Representation of Exponents

    →   Inverse of exponent : root

    →   Inverse of exponent : Logarithm

    →   Common and Natural Logarithms

    →   Exponents Arithmetics

    →   Logarithm Arithmetics

    →   Formulas

    →   Numerical Expressions

    →   PEMA / BOMA

    →   Squares and Square roots

    →   Cubes and Cube roots